BONUS ANNIVERSARY EPISODE: Surviving Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル) with Raymond Luu and Alan Duong from the Reel Asian Podcast

Episode 39: BONUS ANNIVERSARY EPISODE: Surviving Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル) with Raymond Luu and Alan Duong from the Reel Asian Podcast

Show notes

It's our ANNIVERSARY! THANK YOU to all of our listeners and fans for your continued support! THANK YOU to our guests for lending your time and sharing your stories, and THANK YOU to everyone else who has contributed to the show!

We've added a BONUS episode for our anniversary: Raymond Luu and Alan Duong from [The Reel Asian Podcast] ( join us to revisit Kinji Fukasaku's Battle Royale.


1) The Reel Asian guys explain the appeal of Battle Royale and Sean shares some background and the impact of the movie (3:50) 2) Which characters did our high school selves' identify the most with? (14:25)
3) What does BR say about Japanese society's generational divide? (16:02) 4) We work through our strategies for surviving Battle Royale (24:40) 5) How Battle Royale's ultra-violence heightened its deisrability. (Aka the Streisand Effect (28:44) 6) If it came down to it: would you kill your best friend in high school? (30:50) 7) We draft our ultimate BR team (1 weapon, 1 BR character, 1 Asian film character) (40:13)

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Sean Niu

Sean Niu

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Raymond Luu

Raymond Luu

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Alan Duong

Alan Duong

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