Lost in Translation 2: The Tokyo Expat Journey and Tokyo Secrets with Mike Nikolakakis

Episode 25: Lost in Translation 2: The Tokyo Expat Journey and Tokyo Secrets with Mike Nikolakakis

Show notes

Wait, didn't we already cover Lost in Translation? Yes-- but the Japan ex-pat experience is so close to my heart and so fresh in my mind that I had to get Mike back on the podcast and cover some specific experiences related to living life as a foreigner and a minority in Japan. Mike first gives his reaction to the movie (7:55) before we give our thoughts on the unique expat culture in Japan. (9:28) Foreigners come to Japan for different type of reasons-- and we share why we left America and how living in Japan changed our life goals. (12:33) At (18:40) Mike gives us his POV as a white man leaving America and how living in Japan has given him new perspectives, before I share my own constant internal conflict as a Taiwanese-American in Japan. Later(28:40) I tie up the movie discussion by relating to how expat life can give you a misguided distraction from relationship problems.

TOKYO SECRETS: If you came for the insider knowledge, you can find it at: (38:54) Building on Episode 21 on San Francisco Chinatown, we're back with more of our favorite spots in Tokyo. Mike and I spent a LOT of time poking our heads in random alleys, nondescript basements, and people's apartments as we tried to find the most interesting gems in Tokyo. Tokyo is a city where the more dig, the exponentially more you will understand the city, and so we thought we would provide our listeners with an extra bonus for being such great fans. THIS PART IS OPTIMIZED FOR YOUTUBE SO CHECK OUT THE VIDEO HERE: YOUTUBE

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Mike Nikolakakis

Mike Nikolakakis

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Sean Niu

Sean Niu

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